Friday, January 3, 2014

Level 1.48 - Partnership

Level Your Life - [The Level of Partnership][1.48]
Working together, the interaction of your spheres of influence can achieve significant deeds "I ching"
We encourage you to relax and embrace and be thankful for any opposing forces, as they are your teachers who challenge you to reach heights you might never attain without them. True strength, like water, blends with opposing forces.
A warrior does not view opponens as the enemy to be beaten or killed.Such thought patterns could cause you great stress and anxiety.Instead, remember that the word "competition" in Latin means "to seek together".
In all of your competetive events, consider your opponents as  partners who help you seek greatness.A good Warrior opponent is someone who will challenge you to discover your best -inviting you to push beyond what you thought were limits.
Whether working out or working on a corporate team,you achieve so much more by working together.
Take your inspiration from nature. Remember that  flocks of geese flying in V formation travel 71  percent farther by helping each other. Other birds,  when flying as partners,can travel as much as three thousand miles in four and a half days non-stop, rest for a few days, and then repeat the process.

Declaration: I love my opponent because the better the competion, the more I discover how good I really am.Competition always brings out the opportunity for personal best-performance.

Reflection: What might I gain or learn from viewing my opponent as my partner, mentor or teacher ? In what way can I teach my opponent to take it up a notch ?

[paraphrased and inspired by Spirit of the Dancing Warrior]

Level 1.45 - Respect

Level Your Life - [The Level of Respect][1.45]

The warrior is intent on demonstrating the virtue of respect - for self, co-workes,teammates,coaches and opponents. There are many ways of being disrespectful in life: showing up late for work/practise, not learning the routines and plays, refusing to give your all, behaving innappropriaetely,yelling at others, using sarcam and the biggest of all - failure to hustle.
Respect coincides with the Zen teaching "do the right thing".
Respect is really about developing relationships in an environment of integrity,positive communication,trust,loyality,compassion and dignity.
An attitude of respect is crucial in achieving high-level performance.Healthy relationships are built on trust and loyalty through positive communication and forgiveness. The key is to respect all others as you would like to be respected.
In Chinese,the symbols for respect express  the understanding that respect for others begins with respect for yourself. Think of throwing a stone in the center of a pond and how every ripple reaching outward begins at the single point where the stone initially dropped in. In the same way, all respect for others begin with self-respect. With such respect, you create an environment that is conducive to extraordniary performance.
Respect is one aspect of love. When you feel loved- you will easily go the (extra) distance - do what is asked of you and more. When you respect and love others, you don´t lose power or control; you gain it. A lack of respect creates resistance,alienation and resentment - even revolt.
According to the I Ching, the ancient chinese book of change, respect of others creates spirit of loyalty.

Declaration: When I demonstrate the heart-driven virtue of respect for myself an others, I create  environments where great accomplishments are not only possible but inevitable.Success is the by-product of respect and love.

Reflection: Under what circumstances do I demonstrate a lack of respect for myself or others ? What can i do to change that

[paraphrased and inspired by Spirit of the Dancing Warrior]