Monday, January 6, 2014


It is not that hard to change your vibrational pattern, especially if you do this step by step.
Once you have understood how vibrations influence your life, and most of all what your emotions and feelings can tell you about these, you will make swift progress - nothing stands in your way anymore concerning the fulfillment of your deepest desires.

"Where there is no way anymore, the way begins" ~ Manfred Hausmann


If you are in a situation in life right now, which causes you to send out vibrations that are far away from happiness and joy, it will be impossible for you to instantly transform this condition.
The Law of Attraction does not allow for such a big leap.
This would be like listening to a song on a channel which is broadcasted from a totally different
radio station.
"Joy has to be found along the road, not at the end of the way" ~ David Dunn