Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Whatever you pay sufficient attention to - no matter what it is : it is going to physically manifest.
Others observing your physical manifestation bring even more attention which lead to an enlargement and "hardening" of this manifestation.
And after some time this manifestation, desired or not (!),will be regarded as "truth".

Conscious creativeness consists of consciously choosing the experience you wish to become your truth.

Treat yourself and all beings around you as if you had to look into their eyes for the rest of your life ~Andreas Tenzer

Monday, January 6, 2014


Regarding the creation of your own life experience, there is only one question of concern:
"How can I get myself into a harmonious vibration with those wishes and desires, that get awakened by my experience ?"
The answer is simple : Watch out for how you feel and consciously  choose thoughts that feel good when you think them

"When you do not move, you do not feel your shackles" ~ Rosa Luxemburg