Wednesday, January 22, 2014


There is nothing, that you can not be, can not do, or can not have. And whatever you desire : we want to help you to reach it. But we also love your current state , even if, you are  unhappy with it, because we know how wonderful each step of your journey is going to be.
What should we “do” with the mind in meditation?
Nothing. Just leave it, simply, as it is.~ Sogyal Rinpoche


You are born with the knowledge that you create your own reality. This knowledge is so deeply anchored inside of you, that you feel an inner disharmony, whenever someone tries to thwart your creation.
Be absolutely certain that you are the creator of your own life experience, and that complete freedom is the basis of your true experience . In the end only you are responsible for which experiences you create.

In original nature
There is no this and that.
The Great Round Mirror
Has no likes or dislikes.~ Seung Sahn
spiritual awakening