Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Law of Pure Potentiality Part 2

[The Law of Pure Potentiality Part 2]

Self-power, on the other hand, is permanent, because it is based on the knowledge of the
Self. And there are certain characteristics of self-power.
It draws people to you, and it also draws things that you want to you. It magnetizes people,
situations, and circumstances to support your desires.
This is also called support from the laws of nature. It is the support of divinity;
it is the support that comes from being in the state of grace.
Your power is such that you enjoy a bond with people, and people enjoy a bond with
you. Your power is that of bonding - a bonding that comes from true love.

How can we apply the Law of Pure Potentiality, the field of all possibilities, to our lives?
If you want to enjoy the benefits of the field of pure potentiality, if you want to make full use of the
creativity which is inherent in pure consciousness, then you have to have access to it. One way
to access the field is through the daily practice of silence, meditation, and non-judgment.
Spending time in nature will also give you access to the qualities inherent in the field: infinite creativity,
freedom, and bliss.
Practicing silence means making a commitment to take a certain amount of time to simply
Be. Experiencing silence means periodically withdrawing from the activity of speech.
It also means periodically withdrawing from such activities as watching television, listening to the ra-
dio, or reading a book. If you never give yourself the opportunity to experience silence, this
creates turbulence in your internal dialogue.
Set aside a little time every once in a while to experience silence. Or simply make a commitment
to maintain silence for a certain period each day.
You could do it for two hours, or if that seems a lot, do it for a one-hour period.

And every once in a while experience silence for an extended period of time, s
such as a full day, or two days, or even a whole week.

What happens when you go into this experience of silence? Initially your internal dialogue
becomes even more turbulent. You feel an intense need to say things. Ive known people who
go absolutely crazy the first day or two when they commit themselves to an extended period of
silence. A sense of urgency and anxiety suddenly comes over them. But as they stay with the
experience, their internal dialogue begins to quieten. And soon the silence becomes profound.
This is because after a while the mind gives up; it realizes there is no point in going around and
around if you - the Self, the spirit, the choice-maker - are not going to speak, period. Then,
as the internal dialogue quietens, you begin to experience the stillness of the field of pure
potentiality.Practicing silence periodically as it is convenient to you is one way to experience the
Law of Pure Potentiality.

Spending time each day in meditation is another. Ideally, you should meditate at least thirty minutes
in the morning, and thirty minutes in the evening. Through meditation you will
learn to experience the field of pure silence and pure awareness.
In that field of pure silence is the field of infinite correlation, the field of infinite organizing power, the ultimate
ground of creation where everything is inseparably connected with everything else.

[Go on to Part 3]

The Compass of Truth Part 3

[The Compass of Truth Part 3]

A striking aspect of Diamond´s research was the uniformity of response among his subjects. Diamond´s results were predictable,repeatable, and universal. This was so even where no rational link existed between stimulus and response. For totally undetermined reasons, certain abstract symbols caused all subjects to test weak; others, the opposite.

Some results were perplexing: Certain pictures, with no overtly positive or negative content would cause all subjects to test weak, while other "neutral" pictures caused all subjects to test strong.
And some results were food for considerable surmise : Whereas virtually all classical music and most pop music (includig "classic" rock and roll) caused  a universally strong response, the "hard" or "metal" rock that first gained acceptance in the late ´70s produced a universally weak response.

There was one other phenomenon that Diamond noted in passing, although he devoted no deeper analysis to its extraordinary implications:

Subjects listening to tapes of known deceits - even though the speakers seemed to be telling the turth and sounded convincing - tested weak.

While listening to recordings of demonstrable,true statements, they universally tested strong.

This was the starting point of the well-known psychiatrist and physician, David R. Hawkins (M.D.,Ph.D).
In 1975 Dr. Hawkins began research on the kinesiological response to truth and falsehood.

It had been established that test subjects didn´t need any conscious acquaintance with the substance ( or issue) being tested. In double-blind studies - and in mass demonstrations involving entire lecture audiences- subjects universally in response to unmarked envelopes containing artifical sweetener, and strong to identical placebo envelopes. The same naive response appeared in testing intellectual values.

What seems to be at work is a form of communal consciousness, spiritus mundi, or as Hawkins calls it, following Jung, a "database of consciousness."

The phenomenon seen so commonly in other social animals - whereby swimming at one edge of a school will turn instantaneously when its fellows a quarter mile away flee a predator - also pertains in some subconscious way to our species. There are simply too many documented instances of individuals having intimate acquaintance with information experienced firsthand by remote strangers for us to deny that there are forms of shared knowledge other than those achieve by rational consciousness.

Or perhaps, more simply, the same spark of inner subrational wisdom that can discriminate healthy from unhealthy can discrimate true from false.

[Go on to Part 4]

[inspired by Power vs. Force]