Monday, February 10, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/10/14

Why Your Slightest Improvement Is of Such Great Value........

When you are consciously aware of where you are, and you also know
where you would like to be, and you have a means of understanding
 whether or not you are pointed in the direction of where you want to be...
then nothing can keep you there. The seeming lack of control of your life
experience is mostly because you do not realize in which direction you are headed.

Without a conscious realization of your own emotions and what they mean,
 you often move away from where you really want to be.
There are many words that are used to describe emotions,
but there are really only two emotions: One feels good, and one feels bad.
 And every incremental place along the emotional scale only indicates
degrees of the allowance of the powerful, pure, positive Source Energy.
The fullest state of connection, which feels like joy, love, appreciation, freedom,
or knowledge, is really speaking to your own feeling of self-empowerment.
And the fullest state of disconnection, which feels like despair, grief, fear,
or depression, is really speaking to your own feeling of disempowerment.

There is tremendous value when you are able to deliberately cause even the
slightest improvement in the way you feel, for even in that small emotional improvement,
you may have regained a measure of control.
And even though you may not have fully exercised your control
to bring yourself entirely back into full connection with your full power, you no longer feel powerless.

And so, you trek back up the emotional scale is now not only possible, but it is relatively easy.

“I go to seek a Great Perhaps.”

― François Rabelais

Sunday, February 9, 2014

-------LevelYourLife [Alpha 0.6]--------

Finally you have arrived - LYL ALPHA VERSION

You have reached the end of the internet.

The time to wake up has come....


The Revolution begins.......
                                                            ...... inside

[If you are new; please check out  the LYL-Cheat Sheet first]

[You are one of the first visitors of LYL, this is just an  alpha version of an idea and to be updated daily, please check back on a frequent basis][due to the vast amount of content, please be indulgent regarding grammar and spelling mistakes, this is soon to be editored][this project strifes to be grand, you are now witnessing its birth;but it still needs to grow]

Feel free to glance around, it will take  some time until you see....

Join the LYL-Revolution as long as we still have some time be....
stay calm & change our reality..
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