Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Finally you have arrived - LYL ALPHA VERSION

You have reached the end of the internet.

The time to wake up has come....


The Revolution begins.......
                                                            ...... inside

[If you are new; please check out  the LYL-Cheat Sheet first]

[You are one of the first visitors of LYL, this is just an  alpha version of an idea and to be updated daily, please check back on a frequent basis][due to the vast amount of content, please be indulgent regarding grammar and spelling mistakes, this is soon to be editored][this project strifes to be grand, you are now witnessing its birth;but it still needs to grow]

Feel free to glance around, it will take  some time until you see....

Join the LYL-Revolution as long as we still have some time be....
stay calm & change our reality..
[follow on Facebook]

Recent updates: [The Compass of Truth] [What is the Pineal Gland ?]
[Daily Shorty] [The Apotheosis]  [The Manual Manual] [Prologue Part C - Entering LYL]

Entering LYL

                 The Beginner´s Mind/Intro
[Prologue Part C- Entering LYL]

A successful businessman went to a Zen master and announced
he had come to learn all about Zen. 
The master invited the man to sit down and have tea.
As the master poured the tea, it overflowed. The businessman shouted, 
"It´s spilling, it´s spilling !" To which the master replied, "Precisely - you came with a full cup.
You cup is already spilling over, so how can I give you anything ? 
Unless you come with emptiness, I can give you nothing."

Your journey into LYL begins when you empty your mind of all the overused and
undernourishing ideas you have inherited about athletics,business,spirituality and life in general.
By opening your mind and being receptive - a mindset called the Beginner´s Mind - you invite many
new attitudes on which you can build your LYL approach to every aspect of life.
Using your Beginner´s Mind, you will see things in a refreshing, exhilarating way, and become aware of a multitude of alternative avenues that lead to extraordinary performance.

Come into LYL with an empy mind. Open yourself up to your unlimited potential for achievement.

This is your initiation into the eloquence of the thinking body and the grace of the dancind mind.