Sunday, February 16, 2014


Your Happiness Does Not Depend on What Others Do

Your happiness does not depend on what others do,
but only upon your own vibrational balance.
And the happiness of others does not depend on you, but only on their own vibrational balance,
for the way anyone feels, in any moment, is only about their own mix of Energies.
The way you feel is simply, clearly, and always the indicator of the vibrational balance
between your desires and your vibrational offering, which, from your vantage point, you have launched.

There is nothing in all of the Universe more important for anyone to understand
than how the vibration they are offering is matching the vibrations of their desires,
and the way you feel is your indicator of whether you are allowing your connection to Source or not.
Every good feeling; every positive creation; all your abundance, clarity, health, vitality, and Well-Being—
and all the things that you consider to be good,  are dependent upon the way
you are feeling right now and  on the relationship that that feelingvibration
has to the vibration of who you really are and what you really desire.


Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.
~ Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/15/2014

It Works, Whether You Understand It or Not.....

It is not necessary that you fully understand the complexities
of this eternally expanding environment in order to reap the benefits
 of that which it has become, but it is necessary that you find a way to go with
the flow of the Well-Being that is stretched out before you.
So, in that effort, we offer these words: There is only a Stream of Well-Being that flows.
You can allow it or resist it, but it flows just the same.
You would not walk into a brightly lit room and look for the “dark switch.”
In other words, you would not expect to find a switch that would flood an ink
darkness into the room to cover the brightness of the light—
you would find a switch that would resist the light, for in the absence of the light there is darkness.

And, in like manner, there is not a Source of “evil”, but there could be
a resisting of that which you believe is Good, just as there is not a Source of sickness,
but there could be a resisting of the natural Well-Being.

"Inner resistance to whatever arises in the present moment pulls you back into unconsciousness. Inner resistance is some form of negativity, complaining, fear, aggression, or anger. This is important because whenever you complain about what somebody else does you're already beginning to fall into that trap of unconsciousness.” ~ Eckhart Tolle