Level Your Life - [The Level of Commitment][1.35] |
Many people in sports,fitness and life are complacent,
content with their level of accomplishment: they lack the desire to discover
their true greatness. It´s fine to be happy with your level of competency , but
if you wonder why you remain stagnat,consider the notion of commiting to
higher levels and all that it my entail.This demands the attitude of a warrior:
the commitment of the heart to the journey
from merely competent to superb.
We encourage you to commit to doing all you can to be
the best you can be,regardless of sacrifice or suffering. Suffering is the way
to awareness. and besides, doing anything at a higher level is simply more
When you have made a comittment,you insist that you
will not make any excuses for marginal performance, you thirst for new ways to
improve, you are eager to put forth extra effort when needed; you experience an
absence of lingering doubt; you refuse to view discouragement and diappointment as anything but natural;
you feel a natural sense of joy and motivation to do all you to be the best you
can be.
The sky is the limit when you demonstrate a
consistent,never-ending commitment to what you deeply desire and want to
True commitment is devotion to a cause,an ideal or
goal that may be more crucial than victory itself.
"Until one is commited,there is hesitancy, the
chance to draw back.... there is one elementary truth , the ignroance of which
kills countless ideas and splendid ideas: that the moment one commits, then
providence moves too.
Anything that is truly important to you in life is
worthy of your full commitment.
Declaration: If I am to discover the next level of
performance in my life,sport,fitness routine and work, I must commit to doing
even that which I do not wish to do.
What do I need to commit to that will kick my performance up a notch
?What is required in order to make that commitment happen ?
[paraphrased and inspired by Spirit of the Dancing Warrior]