As you move through your day, you may see unhappy people who are ornery,
disappointed, or in pain; and as they direct their negative emotion toward you,
you may find it very difficult to feel appreciation toward them.
And then you may blame yourself for not being strong enough to appreciate them in spite of
their negative offerings toward you. Well, we would never suggest that you should
be able to look right at something you do not want and feel good about it.
Instead, look for things that cause you to feel good when you find them,
and then the Law of Attraction will bring you more things like those.
Whenever you are looking for things to appreciate, you have control of your own
vibrational offering and your own point of attraction, but when you are responding
to the way others seem to feel about you,you have no control.
However, when you are more interested in how you feel than how they feel about you,
you do have control of your experience. You do not know who ran over their dog today
or who divorced them or who took money out of their bank account.
You do not how they are living, so you cannot understand why they react to you in
the way they do—and you cannot control it.
Once you have made a decision that nothing is more important than that you feel good,
and you have decided that you are going to consciously look for some things to appreciate today,
the object of your attention has now become the feeling of appreciation.
You have now established a circuit between you and that object of appreciation that
the Law of Attraction will begin working on immediately, so you will start seeing more
things to appreciate right away.
"Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler."
~Friedrich Nietzsche