Sunday, February 23, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/23/2014

How Can I Get There from Here?

Perhaps the question we hear most often from our  friends is:
Why is it taking me so long to get what I want?
It is not because you do not want it enough.
It is not because you are not intelligent enough.
It is not because you are not worthy enough.
It is not because fate is against you.
It is not because someone else has already won your prize.

The reason you have not already gotten what you desire is because
you are holding yourself in a vibrational holding pattern that does not match the
vibration of your desire. That is the only reason— ever!
And an important thing for you to now understand is that if you will stop
and think about it, or, more important, stop and feel about it, you can identify your very discord.

So now, the only thing you need to do is gently and gradually, piece by piece,
release your resistant thoughts, which are the only disallowing factors involved.
Your increasing relief will be the indicator that you are releasing resistance,
 just as your feelings of increased tension, anger, frustration, and so on,
 have been your indicators that you have been adding to your resistance.


"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."
~ Bill Cosby :)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/22/2014

Do Not Put Those Unwanted Ingredients in Your Pie

Imagine yourself as a chef in an extremely well-stocked kitchen that
contains every imaginable ingredient. Let us say that you have a clear idea
of the culinary creation you desire, and you understand how to combine
these easily accessible ingredients in order to fulfill your desire.

And as you proceed, there are many ingredients that are not appropriate for your creation,
so you do not utilize them, but you also feel no discomfort about their existence.
You simply utilize the ingredients that will enhance your creation—and you leave the
ingredients that are not appropriate for your creation out of your pie.
Some of the ingredients in this well-stocked kitchen are harmonious with your creation,
and some of them are not.

But even though adding some of these ingredients to your creation would absolutely
ruin your pie, you do not feel the need to push against those ingredients,
or to ban them from the kitchen, because you understand that there is no reason
 for them to end up in your pie unless you put them in it.

And since you are clear about which ones enhance your creation and which ones do not enhance it,
you feel no concern about the great variety of ingredients that exist.


"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other."
~ Abraham Lincoln