Saturday, March 22, 2014

Daily Shorty 3/22/2014

Can You Accept Yourself As a Vibrational Being?

Most of our physical friends are unaccustomed to viewing their lives in terms of vibrations,
and they are certainly not accustomed to thinking of themselves as radio transmitters
and receivers—but we do live in a Vibrational Universe, and we are more Energy,
Vibration, or Electricity than we realize.

Once you allow this new orientation and begin to accept yourself as a Vibrational Being
who attracts all the things that come into your experience, then you will begin the
delicious journey into Deliberate Creation.

Once you begin to understand the correlation between what you are thinking,
what you are feeling, and what you are receiving, now you have it.
Now you hold all the keys that are necessary to get from wherever you
are to wherever you want to be, on all subjects.


"Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality it brings something entirely new into this world.
That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness." ~ Eckhart Tolle

[5 strange things everyone should try at least once in their life]

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Daily Shorty 3/20/2014

Your Attention to It Invites It In

Every thought that you give your attention to expands and becomes a bigger part
of your vibrational mix.Whether it is a thought of something you want or a thought of something
you do not want—your attention to it invites it into your experience.
Since this is an attraction-based Universe, there is no such thing as exclusion.

Everything is about inclusion. So, when you see something that you would like
to experience and you focus upon it, shouting yes to it, you include it in your experience.
But when you see something that you would not want to experience, and you focus upon it,
shouting no at it, you also include that in your experience.
You do not invite it in with your yes and exclude it with your no,
because there is no exclusion in this attractionbased Universe.
Your focus is the invitation. Your attention to it is the invitation.

And so, those who are mostly observers thrive in good times but suffer in bad times because
what they are observing is already vibrating, and as they observe it, they include
it in their vibrational countenance; and as they include it, the Universe accepts that as their point of attraction—and gives them more of the essence of it. So, for an observer, the better it gets, the better it gets; or the worse it gets, the worse it gets. However, one who is a visionary thrives in all times.

With your practiced attention to any subject, the Law of Attraction delivers circumstances,
conditions, experiences, other people, and all manner of things that
match your habitual dominant vibration.

And asthings begin to manifest around you that match the thoughts you have been holding,
you now develop stronger and stronger vibrational habits or proclivities.
And so, your once small and insignificant thought has now evolved into a powerful belief—
and your powerful beliefs will always be played out in your experience.

"Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl
 is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves." ~Albert Einstein
[6 Affirmations for better Focus]