"Those who lack belief will
not in turn be believed"
"Your attitudes and beliefs influence what you
experience in life. Personal power is
directly related to your mindset"
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Level Your Emptiness |
The words you use to express yourself are the seeds of your future experiences.
Choose any of the following affirmations, or create your own during your week of emptiness,
~ "I am in control and ready to roll."
~ "Calm and confident, I play well."
~ "Expect success, I`m one of the best."
~ "Positive thinking will stop me from sinking."
~ "Think high if you want to fly"
~ "I am a seeker who sees the positive side to all outcomes"
a)Positive Results
The following visualization exercise will help you to turn a negative situation into a positive one. Remember to find a quiet place, close your eyes, take five deep breaths, and relax.
Imagine a specific personal situation in life that has strong negative overtones for you. If you´re a runner, for example, see yourself getting a cramp halway into the race. Experience every aspect of the scene, and when you feel yourself getting anxious and tight, say :"Stop! and erase the scene and the negative feelings. Empty your Beginner´s Mind. Breathe in and out three times.
Now , re-create the same scenario, but this time design it in such a way that you know you ae in control. You are positive, and you see yourself responding to the situation in a helpful way- exactly the way you would want. Perhaps you see yourself running through the cramp and it dissolves. Or you give yourself an image that will carry you through fatigue. Once you obtain a clear new image, forget the negtive problem and continue to practice this new, productive exercise mentally twice a day for six weeks, until it works for you. Remember that you need to confront and work at changing old habits for at least 25 days before you can really say that they´ve been supplanted with new positive behavior.
b)positive Self-Image
You are probably familiar with the replacement drinks that replace the valueable electrolytes lust during strenous exercise. This visualization will help you to replace vital positive "imagelights" (highlights about the real you) lost during life or after a poor performance.
Imagine numerous athletic water bottles (the kind you see on bikes will do) on your table. Each bottle contains an ingredient that when ingested will create itself within you. See and read the labels : self- confidence, patientce, strength, gracefulness, fluidness,quickness,excellence, calmness, courageousness , and any other qualities you´d love to possess.
As you drink from each bottle, see and feel the ingredients flowing through your entire body. Feel them being absorbed into your skin and organs.Imagine looking into a full-length mirror and seeing yourself become this athlete. Affirm: "My performance in life is aligned with this wonderful self-image." See yourself performing according to this new portrait: feel the joy and satisfaction. Affirm: "I now release all images from the past that limited my potential. I am, and play in harmony with this changed image."
a)Remembering your Greater Self.
In your journal, training log,diary or notebook , make a list of every single success you´ve experienced in life, from as far back as you can remember. Reaching goals, winning championships,awards won,basically every moment you feel you owned.Keep this list and add to it periodically. Read the list to yourself during moments of self-doubt and affirm these accomplishments as indicators of who you are. You may even consider re-creating the feeling of success you had by visualizing one ore more of these past experiences.
~ To foster greater allegiance, cooperation, and communication among those with whom you work, find sincere ,truthful ways to encourage and compliment their positive attributes. You can alwaays find something good to say about someone - just noce it and act upon int
~To affirm your professional,personal,parental,physical and social self - since positive currents start from within- maintain a pack of index cards containing positive personal phrases. Read a few of these at the beginning of each day. When You do this, things usually go well.
~To deepen your level of intimacy with your friends, use poisitve statements affirming their greatness and importance in youir life then the opportunity presents itself. When they´re being negative, gently infuse them with a dose of tender love, then redirect the downward spiral. For instance, you might say "Yes, Larry, it has been a tough day, but I love you. How can I help you?"
~To transform negativity, remember that every cloud has a silver lining. Every aspect of every day in everyone´s life has simutaneously a negative and a positive charge: The glass is both half empy and half full. Notice how much better you feel when you focus on what´s there rather than on what´s missing.