When emotions are strong—whether they feel good or feel bad—your desire is strong.
When emotions are weak, your desire is not so strong.
When emotions feel good—whether they are strong or weak—
you are allowing the fulfillment of your desire.
When emotions feel bad—whether they are strong or weak—
you are in the state of disallowing the fulfillment of your desire.
Your emotions are absolute indicators of your vibrational content.
Therefore, they are the perfect reflection of your current point of attraction.
They help you know, in any moment, whether or not you
are currently allowing the fulfillment of your desire.
You may believe that you cannot control your emotions, or you may believe that you
should control your emotions, but we would like you to approach your emotions in a different way:
It is our encouragement that you pay attention to how you feel and allow
your emotions to be the valuable indicators they are.
"My faith helps me overcome such negative emotions and find my equilibrium."
~Dalai Lama