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The [universal] Law of Intention and Desire [Part 3] |
memory; the future is anticipation; the present is awareness. Therefore time is the movement
of thought. Both past and future are born in the imagination; only the present, which is awareness,
is real and eternal. It is. It is the potentiality for space-time, matter, and energy.
It is an eternal field of possibilities experiencing itself as abstract forces,
whether they be light, heat, electricity, magnetism, or gravity.
These forces are neither in the past nor in the future. They just are.
Our interpretation of these abstract forces gives us the experience of concrete phenomena
and form. Remembered interpretations of abstract forces create the experience of the past,
anticipatory interpretations of the same abstract forces create the future.
They are the qualities of attention in consciousness.
When these qualities are freed from the burden of the past,
then action in the present becomes the fertile ground for the creation of the future.
Intention, grounded in this detached freedom of the present, serves as the catalyst for the
right mix of matter, energy, and space-time events to create whatever it is that you desire.
If you have life-centered, present-moment awareness, then the imaginary obstacles
which are more than ninety percent of perceived obstacles disintegrate and disappear.
The remaining five to ten percent of perceived obstacles
can be transmuted into opportunities through one-pointed intention.
One-pointed intention is that quality of attention that is unbending in its fixity of purpose.
One-pointed intention means holding your attention to the intended outcome with such unbending
purpose that you absolutely refuse to allow obstacles to consume and dissipate the
focused quality of your attention. There is a total and complete exclusion of all obstacles from
your consciousness. You are able to maintain an unshakable serenity while being committed to
your goal with intense passion. This is the power of detached awareness and one-pointed,
focused intention simultaneously.
Learn to harness the power of intention, and you can create anything you desire. You can
still get results through effort and through trying, but at a cost. The cost is stress, heart attacks,
and the compromised function of your immune system. It is much better to execute the following
five steps in the Law of Intention and Desire. When you follow these five steps for fulfilling
your desires, intention generates its own power:
(1) Slip into the gap. This means to center yourself in that silent space between thoughts,
to go into the silence that level of Being which is your essential state.
(2) Established in that state of Being, release your intentions and desires. When you are
actually in the gap, theres no thought, theres no intention, but as you come out of the
gap at that junction between the gap and a thought you introduce the intention.
If you have a series of goals, you can write them down, and have your intention
focused on them before you go into the gap. If you want a successful career, for
example, you go into the gap with that intention, and the intention will already be
there as a faint flicker in your awareness. Releasing your intentions and desires in the
gap means planting them in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, and expecting them
to bloom when the season is right. You do not want to dig up the seeds of your desires
to see if they are growing, or get rigidly attached to the way in which they will unfold.
You simply want to release them.
(3) Remain in the state of self-referral. This means remain established in the awareness of
your true Self your spirit, your connection to the field of pure potentiality. It also
means not to look at yourself through the eyes of the world, or allow yourself to be
influenced by the opinions and criticisms of others. A helpful way to maintain that
state of self-referral is to keep your desires to yourself; do not share them with anyone
else unless they share the exact same desires that you have and are closely bonded
with you.
(4) Relinquish your attachment to the outcome. This means giving up your rigid attachment
to a specific result and living in the wisdom of uncertainty. It means enjoying
every moment in the journey of your life, even if you dont know the outcome.
(5) Let the universe handle the details. Your intentions and desires, when released in the
gap, have infinite organizing power. Trust that infinite organizing power of intention
to orchestrate all the details for you.
Remember that your true nature is one of pure spirit. Carry the consciousness of your spirit
wherever you go, gently release your desires, and the universe will handle the details for you.
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[Applying the Law of Intention and Desire] |
[source:7 spiritual Laws of Success]