Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The [universal] Law of Intention and Desire Part 2

The [universal] Law of Intention and Desire [Part 2]
This conscious change is brought about by the two qualities inherent in consciousness:
attention and intention. Attention energizes, and intention transforms. Whatever you put your
attention on will grow stronger in your life. Whatever you take your attention away from will
wither, disintegrate, and disappear. Intention, on the other hand, triggers transformation of
energy and information. Intention organizes its own fulfillment.

The quality of intention on the object of attention will orchestrate an infinity of space-time
events to bring about the outcome intended, provided one follows the other universal laws of
success. This is because intention in the fertile ground of attention has infinite organizing power.
Infinite organizing power means the power to organize an infinity of space-time events, all at
the same time. We see the expression of this infinite organizing power in every blade of grass,
in every apple blossom, in every cell of our body. We see it in everything that is alive.
In the scheme of nature, everything correlates and connects with everything else.
Thegroundhog comes out of the earth and you know it is going to be spring.
Birds begin to migrate in a certain direction at a certain time of the year.
Nature is a symphony. And that symphony is being silently orchestrated at the ultimate ground of creation.
The human body is another good example of this symphony. A single cell in the human
body is doing about six trillion things per second, and it
has to know what every other cell is doing at the same time.
The human body can play music, kill germs, make a baby, recite poetry, and monitor
the movement of stars all at the same time, because the field of infinite correlation
is part of its information field.

What is remarkable about the nervous system of the human species is that it can command
this infinite organizing power through conscious intent. Intent in the human species is not fixed
or locked into a rigid network of energy and information. It has infinite flexibility. In other
words, as long as you do not violate the other laws of nature, through your intent you can
literally command the laws of nature to fulfill your dreams and desires.
You can put the cosmic computer with its infinite organizing power to work for you. You
can go to that ultimate ground of creation and introduce an intention, and just by introducing
the intention, you activate the field of infinite correlation.
Intention lays the groundwork for the effortless, spontaneous, frictionless flow of pure
potentiality seeking expression from the unmanifest to the manifest. The only caution is that
you use your intent for the benefit of mankind. This happens spontaneously when you are in
alignment with The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

Intention is the real power behind desire. Intent alone is very powerful, because intent is
desire without attachment to the outcome. Desire alone is weak, because desire in most people
is attention with attachment. Intent is desire with strict adherence to all the other laws, but
particularly the Law of Detachment.
Intention combined with detachment leads to life-centered, present-moment awareness.
And when action is performed in present-moment awareness, it is most effective. Your intent is
for the future, but your attention is in the present. As long as your attention is in the present,
then your intent for the future will manifest, because the future is created in the present.
You must accept the present as is. Accept the present and intend the future. The future is something
you can always create through detached intention, but you should never struggle against the

[Go on to Part 3 ]

[source:7 spiritual Laws of Success]