In other words, the better you feel, the more you are allowing your connection; the worse you feel, the less you are allowing your connection.
Feeling good equals allowing the connection; feeling bad equals not allowing the
connection—feeling bad equals resisting the connection to your Source.
You are, even in your physical expression of flesh, blood, and bone, a “Vibrational Being,”
and everything you experience in your physical environment is vibrational.
And, it is only through your ability to translate vibration that you are able
to understand your physical world at all. You don’t see your physical world at all.
In other words, through your eyes, you translate vibration into that which you see.
Using your ears, you translate vibration into the sounds that you hear.
Even your nose, tongue, and fingertips are translating vibrations into the smells,
tastes, and touches that help you understand your world.
But your most sophisticated of vibrational interpreters by far are your emotions.
"Gratitude is the attitude of Enlightenment.
Praising is the raising of Vibration". ~ Someone