Sunday, August 10, 2014

Daily Shorty 8/10/2014

Remove Your Attention from the City’s Potholes....

“As I focus upon what I want, I feel good. If I focus upon lack of what I want, I will feel bad.”

So let’s take it a little further. Can you focus upon more than one thing at a time?
You cannot. Can you feel more than one way at a time?
 Can you feel good and bad at the same time? You cannot.

And so, is it not logical—for it certainly falls within the guidelines of the Law of Attraction—
that if you are focusing upon what you do want, you cannot, at the same time,
be focusing upon what you do not want?
And, if, when you focus upon what you want, you will feel good;
and, if, when you feel good, you would be in the positive mode of attraction,
 then would not your most important work be to look for the positive aspects
of all things, to look for the parts of all things that are uplifting to you—
and to get your attention off of the potholes?

Sometimes, when first learning about Deliberate Creation, some will worry.
They are afraid that every negative thought they think is going to reach out into
the cosmos and bring some monster into their experience.
We want to ease your fear bv reminding you that you are living the balance of your
thought, so it requires quite a bit of thought about something before it will manifest in your experience.

But as a people who have lived in a society that is predominantly oriented toward criticism
and to what is wrong, always wanting to face the facts,
you have become those, even in your individual thoughts, who
predominantly worry, rather than predominantly know that all is well.

We want to encourage you to give more of your attention to what makes you feel good—
not something so radical that you must control every thought—
just make a decision that you will look ‘or what you want to see.
It is not a difficult decision to make, but it can make a big difference in what you bring into your


"One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular." Tony Robbins