Showing posts with label Daily Shorty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily Shorty. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/27/2014

When Your Desires and Beliefs Are a Vibrational Match....

That which is like unto itself is drawn, so the vibration of your Being
must match the vibration of your desire in order for your desire to be fully received by you.
You cannot desire something, predominantly focus on the absence of it,
and then expect to receive it, because the vibrational frequency of its absence
and the vibrational frequency of its presence are very different frequencies.
Another way of saying that is: Your desires and your beliefs must be a vibrational match
in order for you to receive that which you desire.

Here is a glimpse of the bigger picture: You are here having experiences that cause you,
in your divinelyspecific perspective, to identify, consciously or unconsciously,
your personal preferences. Now, as that happens, Source, who hears you and adores you,
immediately answers your vibrational, electronic request, whether you are able
to put conscious, verbal words to it or not. So no matter what you ask for—whether you ask
 for it with your words, or with just a subtle impression of your desire—your request
is heard and answered every time, no exceptions. When you ask, it is always given.

The greatest happiness is to know the source of unhappiness.

~Fyodor Dostoevsky

Daily Shorty 2/26/2014

How Can I Know What I Am Attracting?

The key to bringing something into your experience that you desire is to achieve
vibrational harmony with what you desire.
And the easiest way for you to achieve vibrational harmony with it
is to imagine having it, pretend that it is already in your experience,
flow your thoughts toward the enjoyment of the experience,
and as you practice those thoughts and begin to consistently offer that vibration,
you will then be in the place of allowing that into your experience.

Now, by paying attention to the way you feel, you can easily know if you are giving
your attention to your desire or if you are giving it to the absence of your desire.
When your thoughts are a vibrational match to your desire, you feel good—
your emotional range would be from contentment to expectation to eagerness to joy.
But if you are giving your attention to the lack, or absence, of your desire—your emotions would
range from feelings of pessimism to worry to discouragement to anger to insecurity to depression.

And so, as you become consciously aware of your emotions,  you will always know
how you are doing with the allowing part of your Creative Process, 
and you will never again misunderstand why things are turning out the way they are.
Your emotions provide a wonderful guidance system for you, and if you  pay
attention to them, you will be able to guide yourself to anything that you desire.


"Live out of your imagination, not your history."
~Stephen Covey

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/25/2014

“If I Know So Much, How Come I’m Not Successful?”

There is never a reason for you to be without something that you desire.
Nor is there ever a reason for you to experience something that you do not desire—
for you hold absolute control of your experiences.
Some people might disagree with that powerful statement, for they often find themselves
without something that they desire, or with something that they do not desire.
And so, they argue that they must not really be the creator of their own experience,
for they would not have done that to themselves; if they were really in control, things would be different.

We want you to know that you always hold the power and control of your own life experience. The only
reason that you could ever experience something other than what you desire is because
you are giving the majority of your attention to something other than what you desire.


"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value."
~ Albert Einstein

Monday, February 24, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/24/2014

You Are a Physical Extension of Source Energy.......

You are an extension of Source Energy. You are standing on the Leading Edge of thought.
Our timespace- reality was set into motion through the power of thought long before
it manifested in the physical form in which we see it now.
Everything in your physical environment was created from Non-Physical perspective
by that which we call Source. And just as Source created our world, and you,
through the power of focused thought, you are continuing to create your world from
your Leading-Edge place in this time-space-reality. You and that which we call Source are the same.
You cannot be separated from Source.
Source is never separated from you.

When we think of you, we think of Source.
When we think of Source, we think of you.

Source never offers a thought that causes separation from you.
You cannot offer a thought that would cause total separation (separation is actually
far too strong of a word), but you can offer thoughts that are
different enough in vibrational nature to hinder your natural connection with Source.
We refer to that condition as resistance. The only form of resistance, or hindrance of your connection
to that which is Source, is offered by you from your physical perspective.
Source is always fully available to you, and Well-Being is constantly extended to you,
and often you are in the state of allowing this Well-Being, but sometimes you are not.

As extensions of Non-Physical Energy, you are taking thought beyond that
which it has been before— and through contrast, you trill come to conclusions or decisions.
And once you align with your desire, the Non-Physical Energy that creates worlds
will flow through you... which means enthusiasm, passion, and triumph. That is your destiny.
From the Non-Physical, You created you; and now from the physical, you continue to create.
We all must have objects of attention, desires that are ringing our bells, in order
to feel the fullness of who we are flowing through us for the continuation of All-That-Is.
That desire is what puts the eternalness in eternity.


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
~ Nikola Tesla

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/23/2014

How Can I Get There from Here?

Perhaps the question we hear most often from our  friends is:
Why is it taking me so long to get what I want?
It is not because you do not want it enough.
It is not because you are not intelligent enough.
It is not because you are not worthy enough.
It is not because fate is against you.
It is not because someone else has already won your prize.

The reason you have not already gotten what you desire is because
you are holding yourself in a vibrational holding pattern that does not match the
vibration of your desire. That is the only reason— ever!
And an important thing for you to now understand is that if you will stop
and think about it, or, more important, stop and feel about it, you can identify your very discord.

So now, the only thing you need to do is gently and gradually, piece by piece,
release your resistant thoughts, which are the only disallowing factors involved.
Your increasing relief will be the indicator that you are releasing resistance,
 just as your feelings of increased tension, anger, frustration, and so on,
 have been your indicators that you have been adding to your resistance.


"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."
~ Bill Cosby :)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/22/2014

Do Not Put Those Unwanted Ingredients in Your Pie

Imagine yourself as a chef in an extremely well-stocked kitchen that
contains every imaginable ingredient. Let us say that you have a clear idea
of the culinary creation you desire, and you understand how to combine
these easily accessible ingredients in order to fulfill your desire.

And as you proceed, there are many ingredients that are not appropriate for your creation,
so you do not utilize them, but you also feel no discomfort about their existence.
You simply utilize the ingredients that will enhance your creation—and you leave the
ingredients that are not appropriate for your creation out of your pie.
Some of the ingredients in this well-stocked kitchen are harmonious with your creation,
and some of them are not.

But even though adding some of these ingredients to your creation would absolutely
ruin your pie, you do not feel the need to push against those ingredients,
or to ban them from the kitchen, because you understand that there is no reason
 for them to end up in your pie unless you put them in it.

And since you are clear about which ones enhance your creation and which ones do not enhance it,
you feel no concern about the great variety of ingredients that exist.


"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other."
~ Abraham Lincoln


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/20/14

It Is Not about Controlling Thoughts, It Is about Guiding Thoughts

In our highly technologically evolved society where you have immediate access to almost everything that is happening around our planet, you are bombarded
with thoughts and ideas that, at times, feel invasive to your personal experience.
And so, the idea of controlling your thoughts when there are so many other
thoughts coming forth seems impossible. It seems, instead, rather normal to
just give your attention to whatever is in front of you.

We are not encouraging you to make an effort to control your thoughts,
but instead, to make an effort to, more or less, guide your thoughts.
And it is not even so much about guiding your thoughts as it is about
reaching for a feeling, because reaching for the way you would like to feel
 is an easier way to hold your thoughts in vibrational  alignment with that which you believe is good.

The Law of Attraction is already magnetically attracting and organizing your thoughts,
so having an understanding of, and deliberately working with the Law of Attraction is extremely
helpful in an effort at guiding your own thoughts.

Remember, whenever you give your attention to a thought, that thought immediately
becomes activated within you, so the Law of Attraction immediately responds,
which means that other thoughts, in vibrational harmony with the thought
that you have just activated, now join your activated thought,
making it a more pronounced, more powerful, and more attractive thought.
And as you continue your focus, and as your thought expands, that more powerful thought that you have just activated is joined by others like it... and on it goes.


"I want to know all Gods thoughts; all the rest are just details."
~Albert Einstein


Daily Shorty 2/19/2014

You Are in the Perfect Position to Get There from Here.......

Nothing has to change in your environment or in the circumstances
that surround you for you to begin to deliberately allow 
your own connection  to the Stream of Well-Being.
You could be in prison, you could have been diagnosed with a terminal illness,
 you could be facing bankruptcy, or you could be in the middle of a divorce.
Still, you are in the perfect place, right now, to begin. And we also want you to
understand that this will not require a great deal of time,
for it only requires a simple understanding of the Universal Laws,
and a determination to move toward a state of allowing.

When you drive your vehicle from place to place, you have an awareness
of your starting place as well as an awareness of where you are going.
You accept that you cannot get there instantaneously; you accept that you will travel the distance,
 and in time, you will arrive at your destination. And while you may feel anxious to get there,
and maybe even tire of the journey, you do not get so discouraged at the midway
mark that you just turn around and go back to your starting place.
You do not drive back and forth and back and forth
from your starting point to the midway point and
 then finally collapse from the neverending journey.

You do not announce your inability to accomplish your journey.
 You accept the distance between your starting place and where
you desire to be —and you continue to move in the direction of your destination.
You understand what is required—and you do it. And we want you to come
to know that the journey between where you are and
where you want to be— on all subjects— can be just as easily.understood.


"He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else."
~Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/18/2014

Unwanted Things Cannot Jump into Your Experience Uninvited

Freedom from the fear of unwanted experiences will never be achieved by
trying to control the behavior or desires of others.
Your freedom can only be allowed by adjusting your own vibrational point of attraction.
Without a knowledge of the Law of Attraction, and without a conscious
awareness of what you are doing with your own vibrational point of attraction,
it is understandable why you would attempt to control the circumstances that surround you.
But you cannot control the many circumstances that surround you.

However, once you learn about the Law of Attraction, and
once you are aware of the way your thoughts feel, you will never again
 feel fear about unwanted things jumping into your experience.
You will understand that nothing can jump into your experience without your invitation.
Since there is no assertion in this attraction-based Universe, if you do not achieve vibrational harmony with it, it cannot come to you; and unless you do achieve vibrational harmony with it, it cannot come to you.

Even the smallest among you, your babies, are offering vibrations that the Universe is matching.
And, like you, your little ones are influenced by the vibrations of those who surround them,
but nevertheless, they are creating their own reality.

Remember, your emotions are telling you everything you need to know
about your connection to Source Energy: They are telling you how much Source Energy
you are summoning in response to your focused desire;
and they are also telling you if you are, in this moment of thought and emotion,
in vibrational alignment with your desire.


"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you."
~Jean-Paul Sartre

[unfortunately this video could not get embedded - it is somehow on the youtube filter]

Monday, February 17, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/17/2014

With Practice, You Will Become a Joyous, Deliberate Creator

As you consciously consider the way you feel, you will get better
and better at directing the Source Energy, and you become
a disciplined and joyous deliberate creator, with practice you will be able to
achieve a focused control of this Creative Energy, and, like the skilled sculptor,
you will take delight in the molding of this Energy, which creates worlds,
and direct it toward your individual creative endeavors.

As you focus Creative Energy, there are two factors to consider:
first, the intensity and speed of the Energy; and second, your level of allowing or resisting it.
The first factor has to do with the amount of time you have spent considering your desire,
and to what degree you have become specific.
In other words, when you have been wanting something for a long time,
your summoning power is much greater than if you are thinking about it for the first time today.
Also, whenever you have considered it for some time,
having experienced contrast that helped you to become even more specific about it,
your desire summons it in an even more powerful way. Once a desire has achieved that
sort of power or speed, it is quite easy for you to feel how you are doing with the second factor:
the allowing or resisting part of the equation.
When you are thinking about something that you have been wanting for a very long time,
and, in this moment, you are noticing that it has not yet happened,
a strong negative emotion would be present within you, for you are thinking
about something that has very strong energy that you are not in vibrational alignment with.

However, if you are thinking about something that you have been
wanting for a long time and you are imagining that it is happening,
then your emotion  would be one of anticipation or eagerness.
And so, you can tell by the way you feel whether, in this moment, you are a match to your desire or a
match to its absence; whether you are allowing or resisting your desire,
or whether you are, in this moment, helping or hindering.


"Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties."
~ Erich Fromm

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Your Happiness Does Not Depend on What Others Do

Your happiness does not depend on what others do,
but only upon your own vibrational balance.
And the happiness of others does not depend on you, but only on their own vibrational balance,
for the way anyone feels, in any moment, is only about their own mix of Energies.
The way you feel is simply, clearly, and always the indicator of the vibrational balance
between your desires and your vibrational offering, which, from your vantage point, you have launched.

There is nothing in all of the Universe more important for anyone to understand
than how the vibration they are offering is matching the vibrations of their desires,
and the way you feel is your indicator of whether you are allowing your connection to Source or not.
Every good feeling; every positive creation; all your abundance, clarity, health, vitality, and Well-Being—
and all the things that you consider to be good,  are dependent upon the way
you are feeling right now and  on the relationship that that feelingvibration
has to the vibration of who you really are and what you really desire.


Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.
~ Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/15/2014

It Works, Whether You Understand It or Not.....

It is not necessary that you fully understand the complexities
of this eternally expanding environment in order to reap the benefits
 of that which it has become, but it is necessary that you find a way to go with
the flow of the Well-Being that is stretched out before you.
So, in that effort, we offer these words: There is only a Stream of Well-Being that flows.
You can allow it or resist it, but it flows just the same.
You would not walk into a brightly lit room and look for the “dark switch.”
In other words, you would not expect to find a switch that would flood an ink
darkness into the room to cover the brightness of the light—
you would find a switch that would resist the light, for in the absence of the light there is darkness.

And, in like manner, there is not a Source of “evil”, but there could be
a resisting of that which you believe is Good, just as there is not a Source of sickness,
but there could be a resisting of the natural Well-Being.

"Inner resistance to whatever arises in the present moment pulls you back into unconsciousness. Inner resistance is some form of negativity, complaining, fear, aggression, or anger. This is important because whenever you complain about what somebody else does you're already beginning to fall into that trap of unconsciousness.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

Friday, February 14, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/14/2014

Why Does Saying No to It Mean Saying Yes to It?

Our vibrational Universe has the Law of Attraction as its basis.
That means that our Universe is about inclusion.
When you give your attention to something that you desire and you say yes to it,
you are including it in your vibration.
But when you look at something you do not want and you say no to it, you
are including it in your vibration.

When you give no attention to it, you do not include it, but you cannot
exclude anything that you are giving your attention to, because your attention
to it includes it in your vibration, every time, without exception.


"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
~Joseph Campbell

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/13/2014

Focusing Energy to Change Your Vibrational Offering

When you remember an incident from a past experience, you are focusing Energy.
When you are imagining something that may occur in your future,
you are focusing Energy, and, of course, when you are observing
something in your now, you are focusing Energy.
It makes no difference whether you are focusing on the past, present, or future,
you are still focusing Energy—and your point of attention or focus
is causing you to offer a vibration that is your point of attraction.

When you spend time pondering, remembering, or imagining something,
a vibration is activated within you. If you return to that thought,
you again activate the vibration. The more often you revisit the thought,
the more familiar the vibration becomes, and the easier it is for you
to activate it, until eventually it becomes a dominant vibrational pattern within you.
And as it plays a larger role in your vibrational pattern,
things that match it begin to show up in your experience.
And so, there are two surefire ways to understand what your vibrational offering is: Notice what is
happening in your experience (for what you are focused upon and what is manifesting are always a
vibrational match), and notice how you feel (because your emotions are giving you constant feedback
about your vibrational offering and your point of attraction).


"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus."
~ Mark Twain


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/12/2014

The Basis of Your Life Is Absolute Freedom

You were born with an innate knowledge that you do create your own mind.
And, in fact, that knowledge is so basic within you that when someone
attempts to thwart your own creation, you feel an immediate discord within yourself.

You were born knowing that you are the creator of your own reality, and although
that desire to do so pulsed within you in a powerful way,
when you began to integrate into your society, you began to accept
much of the same picture that others held of the way your life should unfold.
But still, within you today lives the knowledge that you are
the creator of your own life experience, that absolute freedom
exists as the basis of your true experience, and that ultimately the creation of your life
experience is absolutely and only up to you.
You have never enjoyed someone else telling you what to do.
You have never enjoyed being dissuaded from your own powerful impulses.

But over time, with enough pressure from those who surrounded you
who seemed convinced that their practiced way was more valid
than your way (and, therefore, ultimately better), you gradually began
to release your determination to guide your own life.
You often found it easier just to adapt to their ideas of what was best
for you rather than trying to figure it out for yourself.

But in all this adapting to your society’s attempts to make you fit in,
 and in your own attempt to find less trouble, you have unwittingly relinquished
your most basic foundation: your total and absolute freedom to create.

You have not given up this freedom easily, however, and, in fact,
you can never truly release it, for it exists as the most basic tenet of your very being.
Still, in your attempt to release it for the sake of getting along,
or in your hopeless resignation that you have no other choice than to give up your powerful
right to choose... you have gone crossways to your natural current, and contrary to your very soul.


"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!"
~ Bob Marley

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/11/2014

Learn to pay attention to your feelings....

When emotions are strong—whether they feel good or feel bad—your desire is strong.
When emotions are weak, your desire is not so strong.

When emotions feel good—whether they are strong or weak—
you are allowing the fulfillment of your desire.

When emotions feel bad—whether they are strong or weak—
you are in the state of disallowing the fulfillment of your desire.

Your emotions are absolute indicators of your vibrational content.
Therefore, they are the perfect reflection of your current point of attraction.
They help you know, in any moment, whether or not you
are currently allowing the fulfillment of your desire.
You may believe that you cannot control your emotions, or you may believe that you
should control your emotions, but we would like you to approach your emotions in a different way:
It is our encouragement that you pay attention to how you feel and allow
your emotions to be the valuable indicators they are.


"My faith helps me overcome such negative emotions and find my equilibrium."
 ~Dalai Lama

Monday, February 10, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/10/14

Why Your Slightest Improvement Is of Such Great Value........

When you are consciously aware of where you are, and you also know
where you would like to be, and you have a means of understanding
 whether or not you are pointed in the direction of where you want to be...
then nothing can keep you there. The seeming lack of control of your life
experience is mostly because you do not realize in which direction you are headed.

Without a conscious realization of your own emotions and what they mean,
 you often move away from where you really want to be.
There are many words that are used to describe emotions,
but there are really only two emotions: One feels good, and one feels bad.
 And every incremental place along the emotional scale only indicates
degrees of the allowance of the powerful, pure, positive Source Energy.
The fullest state of connection, which feels like joy, love, appreciation, freedom,
or knowledge, is really speaking to your own feeling of self-empowerment.
And the fullest state of disconnection, which feels like despair, grief, fear,
or depression, is really speaking to your own feeling of disempowerment.

There is tremendous value when you are able to deliberately cause even the
slightest improvement in the way you feel, for even in that small emotional improvement,
you may have regained a measure of control.
And even though you may not have fully exercised your control
to bring yourself entirely back into full connection with your full power, you no longer feel powerless.

And so, you trek back up the emotional scale is now not only possible, but it is relatively easy.

“I go to seek a Great Perhaps.”

― François Rabelais

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/9/2014

Your Greatest Gift to Give Is Your Happiness.......

The greatest gift that you could ever give to another is your own happiness, for when
you are in a state of joy, happiness, or appreciation, you are fully connected to the Stream of pure,
positive Source Energy that is truly who you are.
And when you are in that state of connection, anything or anyone that you are
holding as your object of attention benefits from your attention.

No one else needs you to be or do things for them in order for them to be fulfilled—for all of them have
the same access to the Stream of Well-Being that you do. Often, others (who do not
understand that they have access to the Stream) suffer in their inability to hold themselves
in a place of feeling good, and ask you to behave in a way
that they believe will make them feel better.

But not only do they hold you in a place of discomfort as they try to make you responsible for their joy, they hold themselves in a place of bondage as well.
For they cannot control the way any other behaves, and if that control is necessary for
their happiness, then they truly are in trouble.


"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
~ Mahatma Gandhi


Daily Shorty 2/8/14

You will never get there, so enjoy your journey......

Once you consciously observe, from your own creative perspective, how each new achievement
 leads to another new desire, you will begin to personally understand your part in this expansive Universe.

And, in  time, you will come to remember that you never get it done because you never cease your awareness of the contrast out of which is always born a new idea or desire.
The entire Universe is established in that  way.

And as you begin to relax into the idea that you are an eternal Being,
that your desires will never cease to flow, and that any desire that is born
has the power within it to attract (by Law of Attraction) all that is necessary
for the expansion and fulfillment of itself,then you may remember the
immense Well-Being upon which this Universe is established, and, you may then relax into the eternal nature of your own Being. It is then that you will begin to enjoy your journey.

If your goal is to, finally, once and for all, achieve all that you desire, you will find yourself unable to
ever fulfill that goal, for the expanding nature of this Universe defies that idea.
You cannot ever get it done because you cannot ever cease to be,
and neither can you ever halt your awareness.
Yet, out of your awareness will always be born another asking,
and each asking always summons another answering.
Your eternal nature is one of expansion—and in that expansion is the potential for unspeakable joy.


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
~ Albert Einstein

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Daily Shorty 2/6/2014

By paying attention to the signals of your emotions, you can understand, with absolute precision,
everything you are now living or have ever lived. And, with a precision and ease that you may have never
before experienced, you can use this new understanding of your emotions to orchestrate a future
experience that will please you in every way.

By paying attention to the way you feel, you can fulfill your reason for being here, and you can continue
your intended expansion in the joyful way that you intended. By understanding your emotional connection
to who you really are, you will come to understand not only what is happening in your own world and
why, but you will also understand every other living Being with whom you interact.
Never again will you have unanswered questions about your world.

You will understand—from a very deep level, from your Non-Physical perspective, and through your own personal physical experience—everything about who you  are, who you have been, and who you are becoming.


"As is understood, Life - God - in its essence is Vibration."
~Reading 281-4 of Edgar Cayce | the sleeping Prophet